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Why is blueberry one of the leading superfruits?

Thanks to their high antioxidant levels, blueberries are considered one of the leading "superfruits"by researchers in Canada and U.S.

We have proudly sourced our Blueberries from the British Columbia in Canada for over 22 years. The region has over 80 years growing experience and with the world's cleanest air and richest soils produces the best blueberry in the world. Did you know that Canada is the world's 3rd largest producer of high bush Blueberries and British Columbia accounts for some 96% of that total.

No only are Blueberries rich in antioxidants they are naturally:

Low in calories

Just one cup of Sujon frozen blueberries contains only 58cal.

Packed with Vitamins C & E

One serving delivers 11% of one's daily Vitamin C requirements and 10% of your RDI of Vitamin E. We can't think of a tastier way to boost your immune system.

A good source of fibre

Keep your body regular, your heart healthy with just one serving of Blueberries.

Brain Health

Recent studies indicates that some types of age related memory loss might not just be prevented but actually reversed by consuming Blueberries!

With frozen Sujon blueberries you can be #poweredbynature all year long.

Unlike some foods that lose nutrients or quality from freezing, Sujon Blueberries virtually retain all of their natural superfoood goodness.

Adding Blueberries to your diet is easy, simply put them in a smoothie, add them to your breakfast cereals or swirl them in your yoghurt. We find that the best way to eat them is frozen straight from the pack.

Information kindly supplied by the BC Blueberry council. For more information and great recipe ideas follow @bcblueberries

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